A series of Venetian Lions created by Emily Yen while living and working in Venice, Italy 2019.
Gilded Lion of Venice, chine colle, drypoint on copper plate,7 3/4" by 11 3/4" 2019
Venetian Lion, ink on handmade paper, approx. 22 1/2" x 16", 2019
Venetian Lion VIII, ink on handmade paper, approx. 10" x 10", 2019
Venetian Lion IX, ink on handmade paper, approx. 10" x 10", 2019
Venetian Lion X, ink on handmade paper, approx. 14" x 9", 2019
Venetian Lion IV: San Marco Square, ink on handmade paper, 11" x 18", 2019